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Premier Members

Investment managers with local or international funds, as well as corporations that own resources applied through the PE/VC models. Members are leaders in ABVCAP, having strong representation in the creation of the organization and its principal governing body, the Board of Directors.

Associate Members

Market institutions with activities related to investments in the sector, including those providing services to managers, investors, and invested companies. Associate members also include invested companies.

Full Members

New managers of funds in the process of capitalizing their first fund, which seek to integrate with the PE/VC community and could possibly be full members in the future.

Individual Members

Individuals with experience related to the industry, with the possibility of serving as points of reference for technical matters and institutional relations.


Institutional investors that invest through vehicles under management of third-persons as well as development and multilateral agencies, development banks which Bylaws include the possibility of investing in seed, venture capital or private equity funds or in any other investment vehicle in this sector.

Site Map | Links | Contact Us | Location
ABVCAP RJ: Av. Nilo Peçanha nº 50 room 2901 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro - 20020-906 | Phone: 55-21-3970-2432
R. Pequetita nº 145, 8º andar, cj 81 - Vila Olimpia - São Paulo - 04552-060| Phone +55 11 3106-5025